Barking Dogs


Barking Dogs

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  • #229506
    Danny M2Z

      When I first heard of this I checked the calendar. **LINK**

      This has got to be a joke, as the rest of the world are laughing at the PC Barking Council.

      Let's see! Neighbour's dog annoys me. Scoop some poop and dump it on the mayor's doorstep. Lol, who get's the blame?

      Are you guys fair dinkum? Don't councils have more pressing problems such as how to house the refugees who are perched on your doorstep just over the channel?

      * Danny M *

      Danny M2Z
        Clive Hartland

          It is happening here too Danny, DNA sampling and then a £75 fine. Also, as from April 1st, ALL dogs must have a chip, failure will mean a £500 fine.

          There are so many dogs being dumped and no one wants to hold and feed them and recently the RSPCA have been accused of almost mass slaughter of dogs they cannot re-house.

          Also the UK RSPCA have been spending on failed court cases that it has caused a near bankruptcy. Mostly Fox hunting cases etc.



            Danny councils have a special expertise in wasting money and resources, I think there must be a special training centre somewhere !

            Serious though you are right it beggar's belief that they would dream up such a scheme, if it is true the best thing that can happen is all dog owners boycot the registration.

            Just another thought, a dog drops its load and you get a possible fine, what about when a horse does the same ! Don't see the riders jump off with a shovel and sack 😊

            Personally it doesn't bother me it's part and parcel of country life, remember going "dobbying" when I was a nipper got a couple of bob for a barrow full.

            Cheers John


              Just the mad middle classes and their never ending prejudices

              Society moves in different policy directions depending on who's running things, at the moment the middle class temperance movement brigade are on the ascendancy

              Anti smoking, Anti drinking, Anti dog etc etc etc

              Altogether now citizens:

              Bringing in the sheaves Bringing in the sheaves

              We'll go out together, bringing in the sheaves


                Part of the entrance exam for local councillor applications is the ability to fail a common sense test or so it seems with ours.

                Regards Ian.

                Douglas Johnston

                  It is just a pity that there is a need to consider such a scheme. Most dog owners are considerate and clear up after their dogs, but some others are not so well intentioned and may need to be persuaded to behave properly.



                    The more power you have concentrated into a few hands the easier it is for unhinged people to get control and mess up your society

                    Councils are a poster child for the moral and corrupt failure of representative democracy

                    Direct Democracy is the way forwards IMO

                    Use your council tax account to vote at local level, your inland revenue account to vote at national level (via the internet for most people) and turn Westminster into a hostel for backpackers

                    Edited By Ady1 on 12/03/2016 09:54:35

                      Posted by JohnF on 12/03/2016 09:24:02:


                      Just another thought, a dog drops its load and you get a possible fine, what about when a horse does the same ! Don't see the riders jump off with a shovel and sack 😊

                      Cheers John

                      Killarney (Co.Kerry) is a popular tourist destination and one of the 'attractions' is to take a horse drawn carriage trip around the town and national park. A few years ago, the local council ordered the Jarveys (carriage pilots) to have nappies fitted to their horses to prevent soiling of the public thoroughfare.

                      So now the hoss has a bag at each end, one for supply and the other for collection!

                      The Emerald Isle


                        I don't think it's illegal to leave it in the road, only public footpaths, parks etc

                        So police horses etc can leave huge steaming mounds behind them as they trot along


                          So the first person who gets taken to court claims they let Fido dump in the road and someone must have kicked it onto the pavement

                          So there's no dispute over where it came from, the dispute will be over whether any proof is needed to show EXACTLY WHERE the alleged bowel event occurred…. m'lord

                          Mike Poole

                            A walk to the pub in our village was fraught with the chance of stepping in a doggy land mine, also walking the kids to school along he same path resulted in many shoe washing sessions, most dog owners in our village have bought in to the pick it up idea and there is good provision of collection bins. These days a walk to the pub in the dark is pretty safe and the village footpaths are a low risk area. They used to say rubbing an animals nose in the mess would train them to go in the right place, perhaps it should be applied to the owners who don't act responsibly.



                              The problem is down to a few people really. We have a some round here. They can be seen walking their dog and as soon as the dog stops and sniffs around they stop too – outside any house other than their own.

                              Our dogs past and present use our garden and we usually have poo bags with us when out with the dog. That I feel can be a problem – dogs are inclined to "dump" after exercise. I'm pretty understanding about that. What ever people do 'it can happen.

                              Chipping dogs might go the same way as dog licenses. I only recently found out that it was a have to by April 1st. No idea where to have it done and it will probably be a rip off. If people don't have them done I can't see how it could go the same way as speeding has – too many people to book on on the M25 for instance so they automated it. After all when they did that the money they collected for a while probably came near to paying for it.

                              The date April 1st is interesting too – it would appeal to cynics.

                              Old saying – power corrupts. Seems politics does too. These days truth in that area sis extremely thin on the ground in all areas. News papers are much the same and people even formulate their opinions on what is in them.



                                Yup, the road is fine

                                Any land not forming part of the highway or, in Scotland, a public road, which is open to the air, which the public are permitted to use on foot only, and which provides access to retail premises


                                  "They used to say rubbing an animals nose in the mess would train them to go in the right place, perhaps it should be applied to the owners who don't act responsibly.


                                  You wouldn't even need to make the exception or distinction for an owner because alot of them are animals anyway.

                                  Michael W

                                  Gordon W

                                    Well thanks for the reminder- must phone vet on monday. Costs about £15 plus a 30 mile round trip. If anybody has a load of good horse muck please leave near the garden gate.


                                      It's a really big deal for some people

                                      I almost tripped over a millionaire hiding behind his hedge with a torch the other week, he stumbled out of his garden muttering something about kids in the area (the dog spotted him first lol)

                                      There's a bit of grass across the street where some twits don't pick up and he must have been staking it out


                                        Just walked back from town and there is a small white plastic bag of poo stuffed into the hedge by my gate, another squashed bag is on the other side of the road in the gutter. About 100 dogs are walked past my house every day, and about 15 cars stop off morning and evening for the pooch to go for a run. As it is their first escape from hours inside their first reaction is to drop a load. If it wasn't cleared there would be a dozen piles a day taking up to a month to rot away over an area of 40 sq yds. It wasn't nice before picking up became the norm but the number of dog owners has mushroomed and some don't clean up or having done so chuck it over my wall.


                                          We had a spate of it recently because the private park everyone uses was closed due to flooding and the mid-term holiday kids kicked out to walk Fido and Fifi couldn't get in.

                                          Lumps and chunks all round the park railings, but the park itself is pristine, lol

                                          Phil Whitley

                                            My local town council, of which my wife is a member, recently put out a survey to every household in the town, asking what they wanted the town council to concentrate on to improve the towns amenities. Top of the list was to do something about derelict buildings in the town, all owned by tesco, and bought to prevent other supermarkets opening in competition to them. Second on the list was to deal effectively with dog fouling. It is dangerous, and can cause poisoning from the Toxicara it contains which cases blindness and can result in peripheral amputation due to gangrene. In public parks where children play the chances of them coming into contact with this filth is very high. So you see it is not loony councils who have come up with the idea, it is actually what the people want. Dogs are carnivores, horses are herbivores, and their droppings are very different. You Dont see many people rushing out to put dog crap on their roses for a very good reason! dog crap is toxic! Horse crap is not. Funnily enough, my cousins wife breeds collies under the Wicani name, and has changed her dogs onto an all raw meat diet, completely cutting out biscuit and commercial processed dog foods, and has seen a massive increase in the health of the dogs, and the numbers of puppies in a litter. Also cleaning the kennels is a much more pleasant job as the foul smell usually associated with dog crap has all but dissapeared. Perhaps feeding them junk food diets has something to do with the proble?


                                              I don't worry about dog poo and I don't mind picking up.

                                              The stuff I'm always very wary of is fox poo.

                                              Those poor animals are absolutely loaded with parasites and gawd only knows what other nasties

                                              Phil Whitley

                                                Ady1, the road is not fine! unless it has a speed limit of 40mph or more!! Anywhere where the speed limit is under 40mph is included in the act, and means you must pick up from the road as well!

                                                  Posted by steamdave on 12/03/2016 09:55:06:

                                                  Posted by JohnF on 12/03/2016 09:24:02:


                                                  Just another thought, a dog drops its load and you get a possible fine, what about when a horse does the same ! Don't see the riders jump off with a shovel and sack 😊

                                                  Cheers John

                                                  Killarney (Co.Kerry) is a popular tourist destination and one of the 'attractions' is to take a horse drawn carriage trip around the town and national park. A few years ago, the local council ordered the Jarveys (carriage pilots) to have nappies fitted to their horses to prevent soiling of the public thoroughfare.

                                                  So now the hoss has a bag at each end, one for supply and the other for collection!

                                                  The Emerald Isle

                                                  About ten years ago the Weston super Mere council tried to put nappies on the local beach donkeys.

                                                  After a nasty murder of a local teenage girl in the 1990s there was a national campaign for a DNA database to be established covering all adults in the UK. The campaign was not successful but if it had have been I guess full use would have been made by councils trying to identify those who had urinated in the high street after the pubs had closed on a Friday or Saturday night.


                                                  Edited By JA on 12/03/2016 12:36:46


                                                    Toxicara is a lot rarer than it was due to people worming dogs regularly as MANY do. Many people take their dog to a vets once a year so that they can stop in kennels if needed. We used to visit one that gave away good quality worming tablets for free because they cost peanuts. It's a pity that the people who supply these to pet shops don't have more of a social conscience. The shops too as anything like this for dogs will have a high price what ever it's actual cost is.

                                                    The biggest problem with dogs and parasites is that they are very likely to take a liking to fox, sheep and other dropping if they find them. Even their own if certain things are in the food.

                                                    Horses – well they need worming too.

                                                    Dried dog food – there are many varieties and in some cases content can even have an effect on a dogs behaviour. We get ours from a place that specialises in selling barf type food primarily (raw meat diet) and as a consequence sells dried food with very controlled ingredients. If some one changes a dog over to barf after they have had many years on a dry food diet they may well run into problems. They depend on a certain amount of bacterial activity in their gut and what they need for things like animal fat for instance will probably have gone.

                                                    The raw meat place – the smell is so bad my wife wont go in it and even complains while sitting in the car outside. They are very large scale supplier too. This touches on why few people with just one dog will feed them this way. It's a cheaper method for breeders. Dried food just has the problem that it tends to increase the volume of the poo – no doubt partly due to the manufacturers wanting dogs to eat as much of it as possible.

                                                    My grandmother fed her dog with raw food. Interesting to compare with modern practice. She went to the knackers yard once a week. The dog ate the meat and buried the bone – once a week. A few days after eating the meat it ate the bone. A very healthy and active dog.


                                                    mark costello 1

                                                      There is a Google video of a business establishment that has a side door in an alley and people (?) do all their nasty business in front of the door. He hooked up a remote camera and a water hose and when anyone tries to offload there they get an anonymous free cold shower. Bravo, they cannot find the person who turned the tap on.

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