Code Of Conduct

We’re a friendly community and we welcome new members and have a laugh at the same time as having lively debates. The forum is a resource for all members and to keep it a useful and friendly place forum users have suggested some guidelines:

Please refrain from:

  • Swearing. It can be offensive and it can also mean that some members can’t use the site from work. If you really must use swear words please use asterisks.
  • Being abusive or making personal attacks. If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face then it doesn’t belong on the forum.
  • Impersonating other members.
  • Hijacking and wilfully destroying threads. The forum’s a big place and thread titles and descriptions are there to help you filter what you’re interested in, so please let more serious threads run broadly on topic.
  • Posting links to unregulated sellers or ‘review videos’. While we understand that forum members want to discuss all aspects of the hobby, we reserve the right to remove links or posts linking to sellers who may be supplying goods not properly covered by UK safety or consumer legislation. This includes ‘review videos’ that generate income from such links.
  • No politics, sex or religion. Keep posts on topic.

If you repeatedly disregard these guidelines then, after a warning, you may well be barred. If we receive several complaints about a particular member then that member may also be barred.


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