Worden tool grinder


Worden tool grinder

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  • #42555
    Martin Cottrell
      I am in the process of making a Worden tool grinder from Hemingway Kits needing only to complete the tool holding slide and the grinding wheel mounting flange to get myself up and running.
      Has anyone who is using a Worden got any hints or tips to get the best out of the machine? I have read Jim Whetrens excellent articles on improving the Worden but was more interested in hints & tips for the basic Worden before embarking on any of Jims improvements.
      Regards, Martin.
      P.S I’ll post some pictures of my Worden when I can find a tidy area in the workshop as a backdrop for the photos!!
      Martin Cottrell
        Jim Whetren
          Hello Martin,
          Thank you for the kind words. My kit came with instructions for sharpening lathe tools and the end teeth of milling cutters. I assume you are referring to the article reproduced here – Living with the Worden. Ther was an article in iss. 143 Oct. 08 – Using the Worden which covered using the standard machine and further attachments to allow grinding the common tools used in the workshop.
          There are two things worth considering when starting out.
          1.   Make the square tool holder longer, to allow the slot to be continued down both sides, providing better in-feed control when grinding front clearance.
          2.   I use a single point diamond dresser mounted in a small block with a hole drilled at a compound angle to allow the diamond to trail the wheel rotation and the traverse –  pointing slightly down and to the left.
          The block was mounted in the round tool holder with a spigot. As the table moves parallel to the wheel, it is dressed square. I have since made a smaller spigot running in a sleeve, allowing the tool slide to be set to 1 Deg. and the diamont to be swept across the wheel; providing edge only contact when grinding.
          I hope this has been of some assistance. if I can help further, please ask.
          Martin Cottrell
            Hi Jim,
            Thanks for the tips, extending the tool holder to allow side mounting of the tool is a great idea & I will definately incorporate that when I come to build the toolholder shortly. With the standard design it would seem there is no fine feed adjustment for front clearance with the toolholder set at 90 degrees (or thereabouts) to the wheel other than careful nudging of the entire table assembly towards the wheel for each fresh cut. 
            Once I have the Worden up and running I shall make a start on some more of your improvements, probably the rapid cross feed device and the drill grinding jig first!
            Keep up the good work Jim, I always read your articles with avid interest!
            Regards, Martin.
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