3d Printed Parts for Roger Froud’s Cutting Oil Delivery System


use the link below to download Roger Froud’s files that accompany his cutting oil system, featured in issue 339 of Model Engineers’ Workshop. From the article:

In essence, the system is nothing more than a simplified Ewins type steam oil lubrication pump which is activated by a snail cam and spring mechanism. The motor driven cam can be driven at different speeds to adjust the delivery interval of each squirt of oil.

The bulk of the parts have been 3D printed, which is a lot simpler than making all of the parts individually. The design was optimised with 3D printing in mind, but it wouldn’t be that difficult to make something similar using conventional construction methods.

I’ve provided both the .stl and .stp files in the download so you can import the various 3D printed parts into your CAD package. That way you can get all of the dimensions and can modify the parts if they aren’t to your liking. Fusion360 is free for hobby and non-commercial users, and that will open these files.

A Novel Cutting Oil Delivery System, Roger Froud, Model Engineers’ Workshop, May 2024 #339.
The 3D printed oil reservoir and its actuating motor.
The 3D printed oil reservoir and its actuating motor.


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